SEK9 Scent Discriminate Handler Certification Now Available
Scent Evidence K9 is now offering Scent Discriminate Handler Certification. When lives are on the line, responding agencies need high performing K9 Teams they can trust to get the job done. The SEK9 Scent Discriminate Handler Certification exceeds SWGDOG standards to set the Worldwide gold standard for scent discriminate K9 handling.
K9 Training and the ability to assess performance qualifications are key components to a successful K9 Unit. Scent Evidence K9 is working to raise the bar in both areas.
Handler Certification Requirements
Scent Discriminate Handler Certification includes:
- Training Documentation Review
- 5 Scent Discriminate Assessment Trials
- 8 Location Check Assessment Trials
- Comprehensive Assessment
- Scent Collection and Dismissals Assessment
- Written Assessment
Be the Best of the Best and contact our team at 850-272-6950 or [email protected] to learn all how our new scent discriminate handler certification can help your agency achieve high-performance K9 Units.
M77® Scent Discriminate Training Program
Our registered training plan was designed to develop fundamental skills in dogs and handlers for human scent discriminate trailing. Handlers are taught to use the standardized processes contained in the plan for training canines to indicate the presence, absence, and path of a targeted person utilizing the scent of the identified individual. Our innovative trailing app gives handlers the ability to measure the success of each exercise from their phone and meets all SWGDOG requirements.
Scent Discriminate and Scent Detection K9 Training
Our K9 and Handler training utilizes the ground-breaking M77® program to produce world-class Scent Discriminate AKC bloodhounds and Scent Detection K9’s specializing in Electronic Communication Device (ECD) detection for law enforcement agencies and emergency responders, and even agricultural threats and invasive species detection. The facility serves K9 handler teams across North America and Europe.
Our Training Facility Features:
- Trained Scent Discriminate K9s For Sale
- K9 Handler Certification
- Scent Collection Device
Training & Certification - Drone Integration Training
- Registered M77® Scent
Discriminate Training Program - Electronic Communication
Device Scent Detection - K9 Trailing Field App
- Case Consultations
- Designed for Law
Enforcement, Emergency
Responders and SAR - Scent Preservation
Products, Pro Trailing
Harnesses and Leads